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FIFA Scandal and Social Media-Sentiment Timeline Analytics

Will FIFA President Sepp Blatter be elected? #Social Media #Analytics

@Nikraveshucb #FIFA official arrest and scandal stirring the pot in the social media. How big is this? #SentimentAnalytics


Vote for FIFA President is out. Blatter 133/206=%64.56? (5/29/2015 @10am PST) Our Social Media Sentiment Analytic Prediction: %67.94 !!!! (5/28/2015)

Connect the Dots! #SouthAfrica2010 #Brazil2014 #Russia2018 #Qatar2020

Find Patterns & Connect the Dots using the Picture. #WorldCup #SouthAfrica2010 #Brazil2014 #Russia2018 #Qatar2020

#FIFA Scandal!!!!! Sepp #Blatter ReElected and Resigned! Time laps in Picture. Social-Media & Sentiment Analytics!

#FIFA Scandal!!!!! Sepp #Blatter ReElected and Resigned! Time laps in Picture. Social-Media & Sentiment Analytics!

To ones that Want to be the new FIFA president! Don't jump too quick on a fast moving wagon. You may get hurt!

Is this a new International Policy Shift? Policing the world to Prosecute the world!

Sepp Blatter Resigns! Can Social Media and Sentiment Analytics predict what's next to come? and what's behind the un…

#FIFA #Scandal is not over... #SeppPlatter Resigns? What's Next? #Qatar2020? #Russia? USA 4 World Cup?

#SeppBlatter Resign!!! What's Next? @Qatar2020 ? #Russia? USA for worldcup 2020? Russia? Prince Ali 4 President?

Social Media-Sentiment Predictive Analytics Predicted & Confirms Election of FIFA President Sepp Blatter - 5/28/2015

Sepp Blatter re-elected with 133/206 =%64.56 votes as Fifa president (5/29/2015). Our Prediction (5/28/2015) based on Social Media- Sentiment Analytics (%67.94 )

Sepp Blatter re-elected as Fifa president after Prince Ali Bin al-Hussein concedes defeat. Prediction (5/28/2015)

Will FIFA President Sepp Blatter be elected? #Social Media #Analytics

@Nikraveshucb #FIFA official arrest and scandal stirring the pot in the social media. How big is this? #SentimentAnalytics


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